Generative AI: how does it impact companies?

Bpifrance the Lab has disclosed a study on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in French microbusinesses and SMEs. Notably, it reveals how this tool is used by very small, small and medium enterprises in France/the Hexagon.

IA Générative Dans Les Entreprises

More automation does not mean replacement. In any case this is what Bpifrance the Lab recounts in its study called “AI Revolution”, which covers the growing space this tool is occupying within French microbusinesses and SMEs. Unlike specialized AI, which focuses on specific and limited tasks, generative AI allows for a better response to companies’ needs and for executing tasks that are similar to a human’s in a great variety of fields.

What is generative AI?

Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) is a type of AI that focuses on creating data, content or artistic matter by doing so independently. It’s different from traditional AI, which is for executing specific tasks like classifying, prediction or problem solving. Generative AI aims to produce new data that resembles that which is made by humans, whether it be in the shape of text, images or music (for example).


What are the advantages for microbusinesses and SMEs in resorting to generative AI?

Generative AI has several advantages for microbusinesses and SMEs, according to Bpifrance the Lab’s study, which range from optimizing processes to stimulating innovation, not to forget transforming professions. In strategically using these technologies, companies can reinforce their competitiveness, agility and ability to take on the current market’s challenges.

Potential for improving processes:

Having intellectual tasks automated thanks to generative AI can allow companies to optimize their internal processes. According to a PwC study, the automation of professional processes can lead to an increase in productivity that can go to 40%. By freeing employees of repetitive tasks, these technologies can help them focus on activities with more added value. An inquiry led by Deloitte showed that 72% of companies esteem that AI-automated administrative tasks has improved productivity and the quality of work.

Transforming professions:

Rather than apprehending jobs being replaced, generative AI is presented as a catalyst in transforming jobs. According to a McKinsey study, 73% of companies have noticed an improvement in quality of work thanks to the inclusion of artificial intelligence in their processes. Evolving towards jobs more focused on analysis, creativity and decision-making can contribute to enhancing unique human skills. An inquiry led by Accenture revealed that 85% of executives esteem that AI will increase the value of human skills in the years to come.

Reducing costs:

Democratization of generative AI technologies should lead to a decrease in price. According to a Capgemini study, the generalized adoption of generative AI could reduce operational costs from 25 to 35% by 2025. This reduction of costs linked to the use of generative artificial intelligence can also allow companies to offer more competitive services to their customers. A Gartner analysis indicates that, by 2023, 30% of companies will use AI to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of their professionnal processes.


How can microbusinesses and SMEs use generative AI?

Generative AI is mostly used in diverse cases. According to a recent study, it allows for automatized content creation, with a net time gain of around 30%, thus simplifying the production of personalized content for websites, marketing campaigns and internal communications. Moreover, these technologies are also used in graphic conception, assistance in writing professional documents, personalization of customer experience, optimizing internal processes and creating impactful marketing campaigns. Indeed, an inquiry has shown that firms that have integrated generative AI have found a 40% increase in productivity and a 25% reduction of operational costs.

Generative AI plays a key role in helping firms in the automation of intellectual tasks, in personalizing the customer experience, optimizing their internal processes and creating attractive marketing content. These various applications demonstrate the versatility and the positive impact of generative AI in the corporate world, providing opportunities for significant improvement in terms of productivity, creativity and efficiency of profesionnal processes, with measurable time and cost gains.


Generative AI: what is its impact on society?

Generative AI has a significant impact on society, in terms of changing intellectual labor as much as the need to rethink the way we learn and how we adapt to new technologies. Through this study from Bpifrance the Lab, experts and executives highlight the importance of a proactive and collaborative approach to make the best of these innovations, all while taking on the societal challenges that it brings up.

Innovation opportunities:

Generative AI offers new innovation perspectives, as it makes firms rethink their business models, explore new markets and develop differentiated products and services. By exploiting generative AIs’ ability to generate content and to analyze, firms can create personalized customer experiences, more efficient marketing campaigns and more powerful internal processes.

Transforming intellectual labor:

Generative AIs are revolutionizing intellectual labor, particularly for executives, in providing new possibilities of automation and assistance. However, it’s important to highlight that this evolution does not entail job substitution, but rather a deep transformation of professions and organizations. Experts highlight the necessity of a skill upgrade to fully make the best of these technologies and insist on the importance of critical thinking and collaborating with generative artificial intelligence.

The challenge that training poses:

The growing use of generative AI begs the question of how to train individuals. How can individuals acquire basic skills and evolve towards senior levels when artificial intelligence is replacing certain tasks? This question raises the necessity of creating an adapted expertise and rethinking professional training. Corporate executives are aware of these stakes and recognize the need to follow their collaborators in using generative AI to guarantee a successful transition towards these new technologies.

Its impact on society:

Generative AI has brought on a deep societal shift by transforming our relationship to information and influencing the way content is made and shared. This phenomenon raises questions about the trustworthiness of the information they generate and the necessity to train individuals to use them seriously. To stay competitive, firms must train their collaborators to use generative AI, by putting emphasis on ultra specialization and the necessity to combine analytic and creative skills.


Link to the study :


Original author : Emmanuel Lanoe