The Climate Bonus applied on credit insurance applications for sustainable projects

Bpifrance recently announced a new program called "Bonus Climat". Its aim is to encourage French companies to reduce their carbon footprint by offering financial incentives to meet C02 emission reduction targets.

Sans Titre (12)

This climate plan was introduced by the Government’s report to Parliament on export financing, which came into effect on January 1st, 2021. Its goal is to strengthen public support for companies and projects that contribute to national and international climate objectives. The Climate Bonus is evaluated regarding the criteria of the EU Green Taxonomy, the classification system establishing a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities.

How does the Climate Bonus support exporters? 

The Climate Bonus is a unique scheme that will allow companies to obtain additional financing for their energy and sustainable transition projects.

For export credit insurance, the maximum threshold of the financed share usually established at twice the French share, applied to companies with a turnover of more than €150M, large contracts of more than €400M and project financing, is increased up to 85% of the export value of the contract if the Climate Bonus is granted. In any case, the minimum threshold of the French share is maintained at 20%.

What are the eligibility criteria?

In order to be defined as sustainable, a project is required to demonstrate performance contributing to climate change mitigation or adaptation and environmental performance (impacts on water resources, waste and the circular economy, pollution and biodiversity). Both of which adhere to the criteria outlined in the European Green Taxonomy. If a project demonstrates performance in line with one of the first two criteria defined by the EU Taxonomy, it may be eligible for the Climate Bonus. The EU Taxonomy provides criteria for many industrial sectors (referenced according to their NACE code) such as production of steel, cement, low-carbon technologies, equipment for the renewable energy sector, etc. The naval sector is also eligible. The beneficiary will have to provide an argument supported by quantitative and qualitative elements to demonstrate that the project achieves the best environmental performance in relation to its sector of activity.

Since its launch in 2021, 29[1] Climate Bonus have been granted to exporters across a range of sectors, including electricity production and distribution, photovoltaic street lighting as well as maritime transport (marine propulsion).

To learn more about the Climate Bonus and Environmental, Social and Climate evaluation for export credit project.

[1] As of April 2023.