Cooptalis: The French Firm Hiring And Guiding Future Employees

Explorers’ Words tell the success of French entrepreneurs who dared to turn global. They share their experience and some advice to future world explorers. In today’s episode we are meeting, Olivier Desurmont, CEO and co-founder of Cooptalis.

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This SME created in 2012 in the Northern part of France supports people throughout the world in their professional mobility projects in medical, biotechnological, and digital fields. They first guide firms to hire the right person that fits their needs, and then assist the new employee to manage everything problems related to their recent mobility, they can assist them to find an accommodation or school for their kids for example.

Going abroad: an exciting adventure for French companies

Cooptalis has settled on many continents. They originally had offices in Europe, in Belgium, in the Netherlands and in Romania. They then started to establish in other parts of the world such as in Asia, in Vietnam, they also have opened branches in North America, in Canada. They are quite developed in Africa as well, such as in Morocco, in Tunisia, in Ivory Coast and in Egypt. Since 2012, more than 4,000 organizations and 30,000 employees have solicited Cooptalis around the world.

Olivier Desurmont encourages French businesses to go abroad, as it is “an exciting adventure on a personal level, an exciting adventure for the company”.

Check out the whole video of this Explorers’ Words.