Entrepreneuriat Quartiers 2030: Transforming Neighborhoods into Territories of Opportunity

The “Entrepreneuriat Quartiers 2030” program was launched in 2023 to boost entrepreneurship in priority urban policy neighborhoods (“QPV”). Operated by Bpifrance and financed by the State and Caisse des Dépôts through Banque des Territoires, this program aims to support 100,000 new entrepreneurs by 2027, promoting economic inclusion with a budget of €456million over 4 years.

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Vivatech, CES Las Vegas, SXSW, Global Forum on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence 2024… 4 AI Events to follow in 2024 with Bpifrance

For all AI enthusiasts, we have curated a list of four events to keep an eye on in 2024.

Big Media, Bpifrance’s media channel is following artificial intelligence (AI) for Tech entrepreneurs, business leaders, and project enthusiasts from all backgrounds, exploring its applications, challenges, and developments.

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Bpifrance’s new support program favoring startups through a collaboration with major group’s purchasing departments

Present at the VivaTechnology trade show last June, Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister Delegate for Digital Transition and Telecommunications, announced the support program deployed by Bpifrance le HUB, « Directions Achats pour l’Innovation » (DAPI), which aims to position purchasing departments as key players in their organization’s innovation strategy.

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