Our products

Regulatory Framework

Bpifrance Assurance Export is mandated by law and has a public assignment contracted with the French State to manage a wide range of insurance products in the name, on behalf and under the control of the French State.

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Foreign Exchange Contract Insurance

You are a French company and your foreign buyer imposes a currency other than the euro to sign the contract. With Foreign Exchange Contract Insurance, you can set the forward exchange rate up to 15 days after signing.

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Export Bond Insurance

You are a French exporter and you would like to issue bonds within your export contracts. You would like bonds to be issued for your export contracts by French banks and subsidiaries or branches of foreign banks established in France and/or in an EU country, or by insurance companies.

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Investment insurance

You are a French company investing abroad or a credit institution serving a French investor by granting him a loan for his investment. Bpifrance Assurance Export covers long-term investments abroad against political risks

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Working Capital Insurance

You are a French exporter and you need a working capital loan for your export contracts. You would like to obtain working capital loans from French banks and subsidiaries or branches of foreign banks established in France and/or in an EU country in order to conclude export contracts

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Foreign Exchange Invoice Payment Flows Insurance

You are a French exporter offering price list in USD or GBP and you would like to protect your trade flows against exchange rate risk on receipt of payments.

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Foreign Exchange Trade Insurance

You are a French company with an export project for a single operation and would like to submit commercial offer in a foreign currency without incurring exchange rate risk. With Foreign Exchange Trade Insurance, you can set the forward exchange rate until the full realization of the contract.

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Strategic projects insurance

You are an investor or a bank seeking to cover your loan in a project having a strategic interest for French economy.

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Commercial contracts insurance

You are a French exporter and you would like to insure your expenses against contract interruption, its cash payment or the supplier credit that you granted to your foreign buyer

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Services and intangible property insurance

You are a French exporter and you would like to protect your service contracts or concession agreement.
You would like to secure payment as invoices are issued for services provided or concession fees payable in cash

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